Source Code


This is the website that you are currently viewing!

This website was built with:

  • HTML: The skeleton. Used to create the website's content
  • CSS: To make everything look nice
  • Bootstrap: Pre-made CSS classes!
  • JavaScript: The muscle behind the website
  • chart.js: Used to create the charts on the data page.
  • typeit.js: Used to create the typewriter effect.
  • Hasura: Database used to store survey responses.
  • graphql: Language used to query the database.
website homepage

Sentiment Analysis Code

Sentiment analysis was used to collect data on the research page in order to figure out the general public's opinion on DNA fingerprinting.

Languages used:

  • Python3: The best programming language (slightly subjective).
  • Jupyter Notebook: Aka. Google Colab. Environment in which the Python code was run.
  • Tweepy: Python library used to query the Twitter API.
  • gspread: Python library used to interact with Google Spreadsheets.
  • colab-env: Python library used to set environment variables in Google Colab.
  • demoji: Python library used to decode emojis into words (🙂 → Slightly Smiling Face).
  • textblob: Python library used to conduct sentiment, subjectivity, and phrase analysis.
  • nltk: Python library used for preprocessing of tweets.
  • pandas: Python library used to temporarily hold tweets before pushing to the Google Spreadsheet.
  • re: Aka. Regex. Python library used to make string matches to figure out how to clean tweets.
  • os: Python library used to get environment variables.

© 2021 Ganning Xu